PHP5 Problem:
"Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at "
This warning message can be corrected by deleting the empty spaces and lines
before and after the < ? php and ? > tags .
for example : Error Format :
Corrected Format:
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Google Doc Viewer is an online website where you can view documents through your browser without any additional installation of plugins or software.
To embed this google doc viewer in your website , paste the following code :
Just change the url to your document link url to view.
Check this Sample Embedded document below :
Document Link:
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If you like to get your website listed in Google/ Yahoo/ bing(msn) search result then you need to add your website name in their site. This will be very much helpful in SEO for your website links / blog sites.
-To Submit your blog url to google , Visit : Add url of blog to Google
in this site , you submit your blog site addresss and also your atom feed of your blog.
-To Submit your websiteurl to google, Visit : Add url of your website to Google
Fill the blank space with your url , with a breif comment about your website.
Steps To Change the favicon :
1. Create an image and upload in any image hosting site and get the direct link of that image.[image formats : jpg,gif,png]
2. Go to admin panel of your blogspot blog.
3. Go to Design => Edit HTML
4. Now , look for </head> tag and paste the following code just above the </head> tag
Sample :
Example :
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Wireshark :Wireshark is a free and open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
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